Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 looking ahead looking back

Happy New Year everyone! Any big resolutions for the New Year? I aim to play through all my current games before adding much more, lets be real...I'm definitely going to buy at least one game before completing this goal, to my collection. Also, I  signed up for a 10 games/10 plays challenge on BoardGameGeek. The idea is to pick 10 games and play each one 10 times. I think it's a great way to focus on a handful of games and explore their depth. I saw Eric and Paul, over in Nagoya, joined the same challenge. Anyone else interested? For January, I am going to try and focus on getting 10 plays of Ginkgopolis  in. Feel free to help me reach my goal.

For me 2013 was a great year for gaming. I began attending more JIGG events, met wonderful folks, made good friends and my game collection exploded. Fortunately the only casualty was my wallet. On the "Work in Progress" side of things, I need to improve my ability to explain rules as well as be more patient.

Shortly before the new year I was having a games and dinner night with friends. Most of them haven't played many game but they are interested in learning. I took along Dixit, which they all have played and enjoy, and few lighter games such as Incan Gold and Mow. I was a bit surprised when folks said the rules were difficult. My teeth gnashed and consternation swelled in my breast and I mentioned that it wasn't hard. But it was. For them. Partly it was new and partly my explanations need improvement but the experience was difficult. It's easy to forget how new things take time to assimilate. I should have thought about that after my experience learning Ginkgopolis. After reading the rules and playing once on-line it was still confusing to sit down and play. Fortunately my friends have more patience than I do. We chuckled, ate good food and closed the night out with a couple of great games of Dixit. They've expressed interest in JIGG and I'm hoping they can attend a JIGG event in 2014.

Here's to a great year folks!

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